Presentation Guidelines

You have 10-12 minutes for your presentation. Time begins after you have given appreciation to your faculty mentors and INDS advisor. Include anyone else who has supported you through your degree.

You will be shown time remaining through your presentation. Be aware of these signs, and use your time wisely.

Practice, practice, practice and time yourself.

Follow the grading rubric and be sure you have covered each content area with clear explanations.

Examples of attention-getters include a quote, question, story, illustration, statistics.

If you wish to use Powerpoint or Prezi, do not rely on the screen. Know your material; have a copy of your presentation on the podium so you can look at your audience, NOT the screen.

DO NOT READ. Look at your audience. You may use notes, but don’t read anything except quotes or statistics.

Limit the amount of slides and the amount of text on the slides. You want your audience to listen to you, not to spend their time reading your slides. Your slides should be a brief representation of what you are saying.

Speak loud enough so the entire audience can hear you.

Be prepared to give the presentation without technology should there be any equipment problems.

Present the conclusion to the audience as “In summary” or “In conclusion”.

There will be a 5-minute period for questions.

Attire should be professional.

If you are using Powerpoint, you will need to email your presentation to Mr. McAlpine no later than the morning of your presentation. He will load all presentations onto the computer in the library.

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